  • 品牌
  • 千和精密,NHE
  • 型号
  • CW0808-3000-4500
  • 产地
  • 湖州
  • 厂家
  • 杭州千和精密机械有限公司

导针注意事项:3.内孔的尺寸精度:精密加工制造的线嘴,它的内孔精度可以控制在0.01mm以内,如果内孔尺寸**小小,对使用者来说是一个灾难,就够你忙的了,断线的现象就会经常发生,甚至所绕制线圈绝缘不良或匝间短路也就不难解释缘故了。Precautions for guide pin: 3. Dimensional accuracy of inner hole: for the nozzle made by precision machining, its inner hole accuracy can be controlled within 0.01mm. If the inner hole size is large or small, it will be a disaster to the user, which will be enough for you to be busy. Wire breakage will often occur, and it is not difficult to explain why the winding coil has poor insulation or inter turn short circuit千和精密机械生产线嘴。福建销售导针线嘴价钱




PTungstencarbidealoywire(WSeries)productdescription:Example:W0303--3010--3008Wsaidcarbonizedtungstenalloy,intotheterminalapertured2=0.3,outletdiameterd1=0.3,diameterD=3.0,diameterD1=1.0,lengthL=30,diamelerL1=8,flxedplaneP 陕西重型导针线嘴市场报价千和精密机械与导针与线嘴。



Maintenance and repair of wire nozzles: wire nozzles can be divided into alloy materials and gemstone materials. Alloy materials should be paid attention to at ordinary times. Wire nozzles that have not been used in the machine should be packed with sealed bags together with packaging boxes, because tungsten steel materials are easy to oxidize in the air. Once oxidized, oxidation spots will form on the surface, which are not easy to remove. In order to prevent wire nozzles from landing during installation, tungsten steel materials have high hardness and great brittleness, It will break when it hits the ground. 千和精密机械有限公司生产导针好。


详细说明: 极好的抗弯程度、耐磨性,***用于串激、风扇、微电机、马达等行业的定子、转子的线圈绕制。

Motorwirenozzle:Thisproductismadeofsuperhardalloyorcarbonsteelbyheattreatmentandprecisiongrindingandpolishingwithprofessionalprocessingequipment.Excellentbendingresistanceandwearresistance,widelyusedforwindingstatorandrotorcoilsinseriesexcitation,fan,micromotor,motorandotherindustries. 千和精密机械有限公司生产线嘴。浙江加工导针线嘴联系人



Maintenance and repair of wire nozzles: wire nozzles can be divided into alloy materials and gemstone materials. Alloy materials should be paid attention to at ordinary times. Wire nozzles that have not been used in the machine should be packed with sealed bags together with packaging boxes, because tungsten steel materials are easy to oxidize in the air. Once oxidized, oxidation spots will form on the surface, which are not easy to remove. In order to prevent the wire nozzle from landing during installation, tungsten steel materials have high hardness and great brittleness, It will break when it hits the ground. 福建销售导针线嘴价钱


多功能导针线嘴维修价格 2022-11-22

导针注意事项:4.安装尺寸的精度:按装尺寸的一致性很有必要,如果大了就很难装进设备治具,小了的话就容易掉出治具及影响调整精度,所以要时刻注意安装尺寸的精度。 Precautions for guide pin: 4. Accuracy of installation dimension: it is necessary to ensure the consistency of installation dimension. If it is large, it is difficult to install it into the equipment fixture. If it i...

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