  • 品牌
  • 千和精密,NHE
  • 型号
  • CW0808-3000-4500
  • 产地
  • 湖州
  • 厂家
  • 杭州千和精密机械有限公司


导针和线嘴是设备上过线结构中不可缺少的零部件,导针和线嘴在设备上的的应用十分的广,当绕线设备在运行过程中,不可避免的会让线弯曲过线,线表面的漆层是单薄且脆弱的,容易刮花,这时候,如果没有导针线嘴等过线部件,线就会损坏。而导针和线嘴上特有的光滑R角,就能够使漆包线正常通过而不受到伤害,使得设备正常运行,让工作效率提高。所以说,导针线嘴对绕线设备的重要性十分大,虽然看着不是很起眼,但是确实万万不能够缺少的。 千和精密机械有限公司导针与线嘴6.陕西供应导针线嘴价钱


The shape and size of superhard alloy nozzle, also known as tungsten steel nozzle (guide pin), are different and can be determined according to the needs of customers. The product is made of superhard alloy, and its hardness is as high as hra90. Both ends and inner holes of this product are mirror processed to ensure that the Qinbao wire is not scratched. It has extremely high rigidity and hardness, is not easy to bend and block, is impact resistant and wear-resistant. 中国香港重型导针线嘴维修价格千和精密机械有限公司!





Precautions for guide pin: 4. Accuracy of installation dimension: it is necessary to ensure the consistency of installation dimension. If it is large, it is difficult to install it into the equipment fixture. If it is small, it is easy to fall out of the fixture and affect the adjustment accuracy. 千和精密机械有限公司生产。上海好的导针线嘴按需定制



The nozzle of the motor is made of superhard alloy or heat-treated carbon steel. It has good low friction coefficient, bending strength, wear resistance and special shape. It is widely used for winding the stator and rotor coils of industries such as series excitation, fans, micromotors and motors. ◎ product advantages: the inner hole and circular arc part of the superhard alloy wire nozzle are subject to 12 processes of fine grinding, and the finish reaches the mirror surface. There is no scratch when tested under an 80 times magnifying glass, which ensures the safety of use 陕西供应导针线嘴价钱


多功能导针线嘴维修价格 2022-11-22

导针注意事项:4.安装尺寸的精度:按装尺寸的一致性很有必要,如果大了就很难装进设备治具,小了的话就容易掉出治具及影响调整精度,所以要时刻注意安装尺寸的精度。 Precautions for guide pin: 4. Accuracy of installation dimension: it is necessary to ensure the consistency of installation dimension. If it is large, it is difficult to install it into the equipment fixture. If it i...

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