  • 品牌
  • 千和精密,NHE
  • 型号
  • 产地
  • 湖州
  • 厂家
  • 杭州千和精密机械有限公司

本实用新型提供的漆包线剥漆机,1.漆皮经吸尘筒进行集中收集,避免漆皮污染整套设备。2.驱动装置与安装座位于所述基板的同侧,能够减小漆包线剥漆机的布置空间。3.盖板的中心具有圆形通孔,且与安装座连接,利于漆包线在出线/进线时保持水平。The paint stripping machine for enameled wire provided by the utility model comprises the following steps: 1. The paint skin is collected in a centralized manner by a dust collector to avoid the paint skin polluting the whole set of equipment. 2. The driving device and the mounting base are located on the same side of the substrate, which can reduce the layout space of the enameled wire stripper. 3. The center of the cover plate has a circular through-hole and is connected with the mounting base, which is conducive to keeping the enameled wire horizontal when outgoing / incoming.杭州千和剥漆刀三爪爪型刀片。甘肃巨型剥漆刀调试

Qianhe precision mechanical paint stripping knife is made of tungsten carbide materials. High hardness and bending strength. The adopted process equipment carries out mirror grinding on the inner hole and the inlet and outlet at both ends of the product. The surface roughness of the inner hole is ra0.1, and the surface roughness at the radian at both ends is as high as Ra0.025. Our process realizes the natural transition between the radian of the inner hole and the inlet and outlet, selects a scientific and reasonable radian according to the size of the aperture, and maintains a high degree of consistency without damaging the substrate, thus ensuring the smoothness of the line. It is an ideal paint scraping tool for coil manufacturing and maintenance industries such as motors, electrical appliances, meters, transformers, electronics, household appliances and power tools.甘肃节能剥漆刀按需定制杭州千和剥漆刀效率高。


产品别名 40Cr圆棒,40Cr银钢支,40Cr磨光棒,40Cr拉光圆钢 40Cr圆棒40Cr银钢支40Cr磨光棒40Cr精拉棒40Cr拉光圆钢40Cr磨光小圆棒 40Cr是我国GB的标准钢号,40Cr钢是机械制造业使用范围广的钢之一。调质处理后具有良好的综合力学性能,良好的低温冲击韧性和低的缺口敏感性。钢的淬透性良好,水淬时可淬透到Ф28~60mm,油淬时可淬透到Ф15~40mm。切削性能较好,当硬度为HB174~229时,相对切削加工性为60%。 【调质处理规范】 淬火温度850℃ ±10℃,油冷;回火温度520℃±10℃,水、油空冷。 40Cr特性 中碳调制钢,冷镦模具钢。杭州千和剥漆刀快递发货快。



钢的淬火是将钢加热到临界温度Ac3(亚共析钢)或Ac1(过共析钢)以上温度,保温一段时间,使之全部或部分奥氏体化,然后以大于临界冷却速度的冷速快冷到Ms以下(或Ms附近等温)进行马氏体(或贝氏体)转变的热处理工艺。通常也将铝合金、铜合金、钛合金、钢化玻璃等材料的固溶处理或带有快速冷却过程的热处理工艺称为淬火。Quenching of steel is a heat treatment process of heating the steel to a temperature above the critical temperature AC3 (hypoeutectoid steel) or AC1 (hypereutectoid steel), holding it for a period of time, making it fully or partially austenitized, and then rapidly cooling it to below MS (or isothermal near MS) at a cooling rate greater than the critical cooling rate for martensite (or bainite) transformation. Generally, the solution treatment of aluminum alloy, copper alloy, titanium alloy, tempered glass and other materials or the heat treatment process with rapid cooling process is also called quenching.甘肃巨型剥漆刀调试


中国台湾重型剥漆刀市场报价 2022-11-22

漆包线是绕组线的一个主要品种,由导体和绝缘层两部组成,裸线经退火软化后,再经过多次涂漆,烘焙而成。但要生产出既符合标准要求,又满足客户要求的产品并不容易,它受原材料质量,工艺参数,生产设备,环境等因素影响,因此,各种漆包线的质量特性各不相同,但都具备机械性能,化学性能,电性能,热性能四大性能。Enamelled wire is a main type of winding wire, which is composed of conductor and insulation layer. The bare wire is annealed and softened, and then pain...

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