  • 品牌
  • 千和精密,NHE
  • 型号
  • CW0808-3000-4500
  • 产地
  • 湖州
  • 厂家
  • 杭州千和精密机械有限公司


Maintenance and repair of wire nozzles: wire nozzles can be divided into alloy materials and gemstone materials. Alloy materials should be paid attention to at ordinary times. Wire nozzles that have not been used in the machine should be packed with sealed bags together with packaging boxes, because tungsten steel materials are easy to oxidize in the air. Once oxidized, oxidation spots will form on the surface, which are not easy to remove. In order to prevent wire nozzles from landing during installation, tungsten steel materials have high hardness and great brittleness, It will break when it hits the ground. 千和精密机械有限公司产品好。广东微型导针线嘴修理



Tungsten steel (cemented carbide) has a series of excellent properties, such as high hardness, wear resistance, good strength and toughness, heat resistance and corrosion resistance. In particular, its high hardness and wear resistance remain basically unchanged even at the temperature of 500 ℃, and still have a high hardness at 1000 ℃.


The nozzle of the motor is made of superhard alloy or heat-treated carbon steel. It has good low friction coefficient, bending strength, wear resistance and special shape. It is widely used for winding the stator and rotor coils of industries such as series excitation, fans, micromotors and motors. ◎ product advantages: the inner hole and circular arc part of the superhard alloy wire nozzle are subject to 12 processes of fine grinding, and the finish reaches the mirror surface. There is no scratch when tested under an 80 times magnifying glass, which ensures the safety of use 千和精密机械有限公司导针与线嘴。



红宝石线嘴由不锈钢金属本体和宝石精密加工、组合而成,红宝石硬度*次于金刚石,达莫氏9级以上。它是单晶体,可以制得极高的光洁度。能有效的保护漆膜及长时间连续工作,即能保证线圈的高绝缘性不受丝毫影响。Rubywiremouthismadeofstainlesssteelmetalbodyandpreciousstones.Thehardnessofrubyissecondonlytodiamond,reachingmorethanMohs9.Itisasinglecrystalandcanbemadewithextremelyhighfinish.Itcaneffectivelyprotectthepaintfilmandworkcontinuouslyforalongtime,thatis,itcanensurethatthehighinsulationofthecoilisnotaffectedatall. 广东微型导针线嘴修理


多功能导针线嘴维修价格 2022-11-22

导针注意事项:4.安装尺寸的精度:按装尺寸的一致性很有必要,如果大了就很难装进设备治具,小了的话就容易掉出治具及影响调整精度,所以要时刻注意安装尺寸的精度。 Precautions for guide pin: 4. Accuracy of installation dimension: it is necessary to ensure the consistency of installation dimension. If it is large, it is difficult to install it into the equipment fixture. If it i...

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