  • 品牌
  • 千和精密,NHE
  • 型号
  • 产地
  • 湖州
  • 厂家
  • 杭州千和精密机械有限公司


Precautionsforpaintstrippingknife:.Accuracyofinstallationdimension:itisnecessarytoensuretheconsistencyofinstallationdimension.Ifitislarge,itisdifficulttoinstallitintotheequipmentfixture.Ifitissmall,itiseasytofalloutofthefixtureandaffecttheadjustmentaccuracy. 杭州千和剥漆刀是电子刮漆的理想工具。湖北制造剥漆刀商家

本实用新型的目的是提供一种电感生产自动剥漆机,解决了现有技术中在电感线圈剥漆时,直接使用三个卡爪剥离,卡爪之间的间距无法调节,导致不能适用于各种型号的线圈,局限性较强,在面对不同型号的线圈时,需要更换不同的夹具,更换时间较长,加工速度降低的问题。The purpose of the utility model is to provide an automatic paint stripping machine for inductor production, which solves the problem that in the prior art, three claws are directly used to strip the paint of an inductor coil, and the spacing between the claws cannot be adjusted, resulting in that it can not be applied to various types of coils, and has strong limitations. When facing different types of coils, it needs to replace different clamps, which takes a long time to replace and reduces the processing speed.广东重型剥漆刀调试剥漆刀的剥皮均匀性高。

Qianhe precision mechanical paint stripping knife is made of tungsten carbide materials. High hardness and bending strength. The adopted process equipment carries out mirror grinding on the inner hole and the inlet and outlet at both ends of the product. The surface roughness of the inner hole is ra0.1, and the surface roughness at the radian at both ends is as high as Ra0.025. Our process realizes the natural transition between the radian of the inner hole and the inlet and outlet, selects a scientific and reasonable radian according to the size of the aperture, and maintains a high degree of consistency without damaging the substrate, thus ensuring the smoothness of the line. It is an ideal paint scraping tool for coil manufacturing and maintenance industries such as motors, electrical appliances, meters, transformers, electronics, household appliances and power tools.

剥漆刀注意事项:头尾部的R形状:头尾部的R形状也是线嘴的关键部分,R过大或过小都影响产品的质量和可承受的张力。以上提出的五条是比较关键的,外表光洁度做得再漂亮对绕制的产品的质量没有关系,只是美观而已,内在的好才是值得注意的。Precautions for paint stripping knife:  R shape of the head and tail: R shape of the head and tail is also a key part of the thread nozzle. Too large or too small R will affect the quality of the product and the tension it can bear. The five points mentioned above are relatively key. No matter how beautiful the surface finish is, it has nothing to do with the quality of the wound products. It is only beautiful, and the internal quality is worthy of attention.杭州千和剥漆刀工作快捷。



金刚石复合片(Polycrystalline diamond compacts,简称PCD刀片)是以金刚石微粒与硬质合金基体在高温高压下烧结而成的,避免了单晶的各向异性,克服了单晶金刚石受冲击易解理破损的缺点,既有极高的硬度和耐磨性,又有良好的抗冲击韧性。广泛应用于铜、铝等有色金属及其合金材料、木材、强化地板、石墨、橡胶、塑料、陶瓷、耐火材料等加工领域。Polycrystalline diamond compacts (PCD blades for short) are made of diamond particles and cemented carbide matrix sintered at high temperature and high pressure, which avoid the anisotropy of single crystal and overcome the disadvantage of single crystal diamond being easily cleaved and damaged by impact. They have both extremely high hardness and wear resistance and good impact toughness. It is widely used in copper, aluminum and other non-ferrous metals and their alloys, wood, laminate flooring, graphite, rubber, plastics, ceramics, refractory materials and other processing fields.湖北制造剥漆刀商家


中国台湾重型剥漆刀市场报价 2022-11-22

漆包线是绕组线的一个主要品种,由导体和绝缘层两部组成,裸线经退火软化后,再经过多次涂漆,烘焙而成。但要生产出既符合标准要求,又满足客户要求的产品并不容易,它受原材料质量,工艺参数,生产设备,环境等因素影响,因此,各种漆包线的质量特性各不相同,但都具备机械性能,化学性能,电性能,热性能四大性能。Enamelled wire is a main type of winding wire, which is composed of conductor and insulation layer. The bare wire is annealed and softened, and then pain...

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