  • 品牌
  • 千和精密,NHE
  • 型号
  • CW0808-3000-4500
  • 产地
  • 湖州
  • 厂家
  • 杭州千和精密机械有限公司






千和精密机械生产的导针就是好导针,表面光洁,R角粗糙度Ra0.025,内孔粗糙度Ra0.1,是市面上不可多得的好产品。 千和精密机械生产导针。陕西供应导针线嘴供应商


Advantages of guide pins and thread nozzles processed by Qianhe precision machinery: Qianhe precision machinery has strong strength and solid foundation. Compared with guide pins and thread nozzles in the same industry, it naturally has its unique advantages. First of all, the surface finish of the guide pin and the thread nozzle can be seen at a glance. The surface finish of the guide pin and the thread nozzle of other manufacturers is very low, and it looks fuzzy under light. However, the guide pin and the thread nozzle of Qianhe precision machinery are different. They not only feel smooth and delicate, but also can be directly used as a mirror. Then there is the roughness of the inner hole, which is an important parameter for the guide pin and thread nozzle. The guide pin and thread nozzle produced by Qianhe precision machinery are very good. The inner hole not only reaches ra0.1, but also the radian at both ends reaches Ra0.025, which can be seen from its strength.


Maintenance and repair of wire nozzles: wire nozzles can be divided into alloy materials and gemstone materials. Alloy materials should be paid attention to at ordinary times. Wire nozzles that have not been used in the machine should be packed with sealed bags together with packaging boxes, because tungsten steel materials are easy to oxidize in the air. Once oxidized, oxidation spots will form on the surface, which are not easy to remove. In order to prevent the wire nozzle from landing during installation, tungsten steel materials have high hardness and great brittleness, It will break when it hits the ground. 千和精密机械有限公司出售导针与线嘴。



是一家致力于研发、生产、服务为一体的现代化企业,公司位于康中路16号2幢2层207室。公司产品以磁力张力器、伺服张力器,气动剪刀、剥漆刀,线嘴、导针,绕线机治具为主,为广大客户提供机械及行业设备行业解决方案。我司是生产型企业,能够根据客户产品应用和需求状况、提供机械及行业设备技术服务,包括设备选型、技术咨询、测试、机器调试和维护维修等。公司磁力张力器、伺服张力器,气动剪刀、剥漆刀,线嘴、导针,绕线机治具以高性能、高效率、高效率、低成本的产品特征,获得了机械及行业设备行业客户支持与认可。公司拥有完整、科学的产品质量管理体系。 秉承以客户为中心的服务理念,用心去感受客户需求,公司主营磁力张力器、伺服张力器,气动剪刀、剥漆刀,线嘴、导针,绕线机治具,为客户提供好的产品、良好的技术支持、健全的售后服务以及真诚的态度均得到新老客户的一致好评。公司组织机构健全且拥有一批经验丰富、高素质、高效率的员工队伍。陕西供应导针线嘴供应商


多功能导针线嘴维修价格 2022-11-22

导针注意事项:4.安装尺寸的精度:按装尺寸的一致性很有必要,如果大了就很难装进设备治具,小了的话就容易掉出治具及影响调整精度,所以要时刻注意安装尺寸的精度。 Precautions for guide pin: 4. Accuracy of installation dimension: it is necessary to ensure the consistency of installation dimension. If it is large, it is difficult to install it into the equipment fixture. If it i...

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