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This sport has evolved and now many

advanced pilots perform extreme maneuvers such as wing-overs, barrel rolls and

loops. These types of maneuvers present a significant danger as any type of

negative G's encountered will unload the wing allowing the wings lines to go

slack. Only very advanced pilots with years of experience, training and coupled

with countermeasures such as reserve parachutes should attempt such maneuvers.

A reserve parachute is a highly recommended piece of equipment which may

prevent significant injury or death in the presence of a malfunction of the

equipment or a mistake made by the pilot.

Powered paragliding, also known as

paramotoring or PPG, is a form of ultralight aviation where the pilot wears a

back-mounted motor (a paramotor) which provides enough thrust to take off using

a paraglider. It can be launched in still air, and on level ground, by the

pilot alone — no assistance is required.



  除了休闲娱乐和参加竞技比赛外 目前,动力伞运动,还从事着许多特殊的行业,比如:广告飞行,航空拍摄,警用空中巡逻,训练,森林防火,架设电缆,航空表演等,人们驾驶着动力伞,在空中翱翔,享受着鸟儿般的自由与刺激。利用动力伞进行的各项事业也越来越受到社会的欢迎和选择。随着我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,将会有更多喜爱飞行的人们加入到这项运动中来。 巴音郭楞螺旋桨动力伞多少钱

Powered paragliders are useful as

replacements for terrestrial vehicles in difficult terrain. In some areas

during the spring when the sea or lakes are still frozen but the ice has begun

melting, the waters cannot be walked, skied, or driven on and cannot be

navigated by boat. Hydrocopters, hovercraft, and aircraft are the only ways to

travel in such conditions. Furthermore, if the landscape is fractured by small

and shallow lakes and bays, as in swamplands, it may be difficult to navigate

even in good conditions. Observation and counting of protected species, e.g.

Saimaa ringed seal, in such conditions has been conducted using a powered


Another use that has been demonstrated is

the herding of reindeer. Although the tundra is open terrain, there are no

roads and the terrain is still uneven. A powered parachute can be used instead

of a snowmobile or a motorcycle.

In many countries, including the United

States, powered paragliding is minimally regulated and requires no licence. The

ability to fly both low and slow safely, the 'open' feel, the minimal equipment

and maintenance costs, and the portability are claimed to be this type of

flying's greatest merits.[1]

Powered paragliders usually fly between 15

to 50 mph (24 to 80 km/h) at altitudes from 'foot-dragging on the water' up

about to 18,000 ft (5,500 m) or more with certain permission although most

flying is done under 500 ft (150 m) AGL.[2] Due to the paramotor's slow forward

speed and nature of a soft wing, it is not safe in high winds, turbulence, or

intense thermal activity.



在美国,如果飞机符合超轻定义,则无需许可证。在英国,如果“飞机的性能仍然与可以脚踩的飞机相同”,则安装在三轮车上的动力伞仍被归类为“自行式滑翔机”。 [7]。但是,即使在这些国家/地区,如果机器有两个座位,也不再是一件轻巧的事。在美国,这种飞行器将受《运动飞行员》规则的管辖,并被监管为轻型运动飞机动力降落伞,这需要飞机的N号,并且飞行员必须获得许可。




Safety and regulations

Research estimates that the activity is

slightly safer (per event) than riding motorcycles and more dangerous than

riding in cars.[3] The most likely cause of serious injury is body contact with

a spinning propeller. The next most likely cause of injury is flying into

something other than the landing zone.[4] Some pilots carry a reserve parachute

designed to open in as little as 50 ft (15 m).

The lack of established design criteria for

these aircraft led the British Air Accidents Investigation Branch to conclude

in 2007 that "Only when precise reserve factors have been established for

individual harness/wing combinations carrying realistic suspended masses, at

load factors appropriate to the maneuvers to be carried out, can these aircraft

be considered to be structurally safe"[5]



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