Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen in Refractory Metals
Oxygen and nitrogen are alloying elements in titanium, and are also classified as alpha stabilizing elements as they promote alpha phase alloys. Interstitial oxygen and nitrogen levels can be used to regulate the tensile strength of the material, but due to its high solubility can cause unwanted surface embrittlement. This phenomenon can be leveraged,however, under controlled processing to create surface films that increase surface hardness and wear properties.
可以旁路的OMI-2 气路强化过滤装置增强了检测器的稳定性,使得分析结果更加准确。上海元素分析仪厂家供应Determine the instrument blank.
a. Login a minimum of 3 Blank replicates.
b. Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen. After a short delay, the loading head slide-block will open.
c. Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen again, the loading head slide-block will close and the lower electrode will open.
d. Clean the upper and lower electrode manually, or, if applicable, remove thecrucible and press the analyze button to clean with the automatic cleaner.
e. Firmly place a graphite crucible on the lower electrode tip.
f. Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen, the lower electrode will close and the analysis sequence will start and endautomatically.
g. Repeat steps 2b through 2f a minimum of three times.
h. Set the blank following the procedure outlined in the operator's instruction manual.
氧氮氢分析仪的原理:分析样品在惰性气流存在下于石墨坩埚中加热熔融,其中脉冲炉温度可自由设定,并通过一个非接触式的光学温度传感器进行实时监控,用于实现样品的完全分解,反应所生成的CO H2和N2被带入到具有高稳定性和灵敏度的检测系统进行检测。对于CO的检测采用的是非色散性红外检测器,对于N2和H2的检测则采用热导检测器。
氧氮氢分析仪的特点:快速准确分析,自动化操作;精密气体校准;CO红外检测器,高分辨率和重现性的N、H热导池检测器;同一台仪器实现熔融提取和热提取;热提取分析时间可调;可自由选择温度*高达2500 °C;光学温度计温度测定和控制;所有检测器自动调零/自动水平控制(ALC);数据评估的自动优化选择范围;炉自动清洁和坩埚自动进样(可选);外设电脑进行操作和控制;样品信息保存; 所有样品数据可追踪查询;通过FTP或本地局域网进行数据传输; ON,H分析轻松切换。
用户友好界面的Cornerstone™ 软件
力可**的Cornerstone 氧氮氧分析软件采用触摸屏界面使用户可完整的达到分析控制、方法设定、在线诊断、数据报告。Cornerstone 氧氮氧分析软件允许用户在单一分析界面中完成日常的所有工作,快速而且简单易用。力可创新的批次和重复样品数据分组功能极大简化了样品结果输出和结果标准偏差的自动计算,减少了繁琐的额外数据处理。
Sample Preparation
Typically, titanium and zirconium samples are chemically etched to remove surface contamination when oxygen and nitrogen are determined. However, etching can introduce hydrogen into the sample.
ASTM method E 1409 "Determination of Oxygen and Nitrogen in Titanium and Titanium Alloys by the Inert
Gas Fusion Technique", as updated in 1996, permits either etching or abrading (filing) of the test specimen.
ASTM E 1447 "Determination of Hydrogen in Titanium and Titanium Alloys by the Inert Gas Fusion Thermal
Conductivity/Infrared Detection Method" permits surface preparation by abrading (if necessary to remove
contamination). Differences in sample preparation present somewhat of a dilemma regarding simultaneous
determination of O, N, and H in titanium. However, abrading samples with a file to remove surface
contamination will yield accurate O, N, and H results. The ONH836 utilizes a high-power electrode furnace to quickly and efficiently release the target gases from within the sample, which allows for a very rapid simultaneous determination of oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen.
用户友好界面的Cornerstone™ 软件。广东氧氮氢分析仪厂家供应改进的红外检测池技术。上海元素分析仪厂家供应
测量范围: ON 低氧0.0-300ppm OH 低氧0.0-300ppm 高氧0.0-2% 高氧0.0-2% 低氮0.0―300ppm 低氢0.0-50ppm 高氮0.0-2% 高氢0.0-1000ppm 灵敏度: 氧0.01ppm;氮0.1ppm;氢0.01ppm。
该仪器配置有16位微处理器和两个**的分别检测高氧和低氧的 红外检测池。氮和氢通过双重范围的热导检测池测量。分析过程中可自动实现从 低范围到高范围的切换。样品在高功率脉冲炉的石墨坩埚中加热可达3000℃以上 高温,脉冲炉采用循环水冷却。该仪器具有灵敏度高、性能好、测量范围宽和分 析结果准确可靠等优点。ONH-2000氧氮氢分析仪是为快速、准确测定铜、钢、铸 铁、合金、钛、镍、钼、锆、陶瓷和其它无机材料中氧、氮、氢的含量而专门设计 制造的。 上海元素分析仪厂家供应