美国力可公司(LECO)始于1936年 ,以生产用于冶金、机械、能源、化工、农业、食品及科研开发领域的各种分析仪器。
国际**的非色散红外及热导检测器 ,无移动部件,不需要手动调整。新疆专业元素分析仪优惠价格
Sample Preparation
Sampling and sample preparation of refractory metals such as titanium and zirconium is somewhat different from that of steel. Unlike steel samples, hydrogen is not as mobile in this group of materials; therefore, storage in liquid nitrogen or dry ice is not required. However, it is important to keep the sample cool when cutting or sectioning. Sample preparation for oxygen and nitrogen determination has beendifferent from that of hydrogen determination.
Method Selection
Two methods are described in this application note; either method can be used to analyze iron, steel, nickel-, and cobalt-base alloys. The Precision Method is recommended for general use and will provide the best precision and accuracy throughout the typical O, N, and H concentrations found in this group of metals; approximate cycle time is 3.5 minutes. The Fast Track method can be used where speed of analysis is a critical component; for example, when molten metal is being sampled and results are required in the shortest possible time. This method will produce suitable results for most samples; approximate cycle time is 2.25 minutes. As noted above, sampling and sample preparation are key elements to accurate O, N, and Hdetermination as well. It is up to the user to determine which method best meets their needs.
Determine the instrument blank.
a. Login a minimum of 3 Blank replicates.
b. Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen. After a short delay, the loading head slide-block will open.
c. Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen again, the loading head slide-block will close and the lower electrode will open.
d. Clean the upper and lower electrode manually, or, if applicable, remove thecrucible and press the analyze button to clean with the automatic cleaner.
e. Firmly place a graphite crucible on the lower electrode tip.
f. Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen, the lower electrode will close and the analysis sequence will start and endautomatically.
g. Repeat steps 2b through 2f a minimum of three times.
h. Set the blank following the procedure outlined in the operator's instruction manual.
Procedure - Solid Samples
Instrument calibration/drift correction.
Place the calibration/drift standard in a *** Nickel Basket, and if applicable, place the sample into the appropriate autoloader position.
Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen. After a short delay, the loading head slide-block will open.
Note: samples using automation should be placed in the appropriate autoloader position before starting the
analysis sequence. Once the sequence has started, the automatic analysis will start and end automatically.