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Cornerstone氧氮氢分析软件分成4个主要部分:分析、诊断、设定、仪器,界面可以快速导航和组织。工具条、滑动条和下拉式菜单简化了校正和数据处理的参数设定。分析软件同时包括实时的环境参数的监测,提供完整的系统图表模拟。高级诊断程序包括全数字化的在线操作手册、维护模拟演示、图片说明等提供快速指导。Cornerstone氧氮氢分析软件同时支持***的数据文档格式和可变的报告格式。 改进的红外检测池技术。浙江美国LECO分析仪厂家报价


Procedure – Powder/Chip Samples

Instrument calibration/drift correction.

Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen. After a short delay, the loading head slide-block will open.

Place the Nickel Capsule containing the sample into the open port at the top of the loading head.

Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen again, the loading head slide-block will close and the lower electrode will open.

Clean the upper and lower electrode either manually or remove the crucible and press the analyze button to clean with an automatic cleaner if applicable.



Sample Preparation

Sampling and sample preparation of refractory metals such as titanium and zirconium is somewhat different from that of steel. Unlike steel samples, hydrogen is not as mobile in this group of materials; therefore, storage in liquid nitrogen or dry ice is not required. However, it is important to keep the sample cool when cutting or sectioning. Sample preparation for oxygen and nitrogen determination has beendifferent from that of hydrogen determination.

Instrument Highlights and Features

Optional Features

Optional boom-mounted touch-screen interface package (M) promotes an ergonomic workspace

Optional Performance Package (P) adds a three-stage carrier gas purification system, and a dual-loop gas dose module

Optional Dual Cooling Package (D) adds an integratedliquid-to-air radiator with dual cooling fans. This DC

option gives the user the choice of liquid-to-liquid cooling, liquid-to-air cooling, or a combination of both

Optional integrated autocleaner (H) automatically cleans the upper electrode and lower electrode tip

Optional 20-sample shuttle loader available



Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen in Refractory Metals


Titanium is a metal that can be combined with elements such as aluminum, vanadium, molybdenum, and tin to produce high-strength, lowdensity, and corrosion-resistant alloys. Titanium alloys are used by the military, medical devices, sporting goods, and aerospace industries because of these properties, and due to the strict demands of these industries, effort needs to be taken to assure that the material meets the highest of quality standards.



Procedure – Powder/Chip Samples

Prepare the instrument as outlined in the operator's instruction manual.

Determine the instrument blank.

Login a minimum of three Blank reps.

Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen. After a short delay, the loading head slide-block will open. Insert a *** Nickel Capsule (leave capsule open) into the open port at top of loading head.

Note: samples using automation should be placed in the appropriate autoloader position before starting the analysis sequence. Once the sequence has started, the automatic analysis will start and end automatically.


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