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company profile

Shanghai Uzong Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as UZONGLAB®) is a high-tech company that provides integrated solutions for intelligent laboratories, mainly serving the Chinese market and countries along the “Belt and Road”. It has three business divisions and one The technology center, namely the instrument business department, consumables business department, project development department, and Zhongyu Lianhe Technology Center. In addition to the Shanghai headquarters, we have established branches in Beijing, Shenyang, Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan, Qingdao, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Urumqi. To provide customers with more professional, safer and more convenient products and services is our sole goal. 提供各种无机材料、钢铁、有色金属、硬质合金陶瓷材料中宽范围的氧氮氢同时测定。江苏LECO氧氮氢分析仪哪家好


736 Series: Oxygen/Nitrogen by Inert Gas Fusion

The 736 family of Elemental Analyzers is designed for routine measurement of oxygen and nitrogen content of

inorganic materials, ferrous and nonferrous alloys, andrefractory materials using the inert gas fusion technique.

These instruments feature our Cornerstone brand ® software, a custom interface designed specifically for

touch-screen operation. Developed by combining longterm research with customer feedback, this easy-to-use

software gives you complete access to instrument control, analysis settings, diagnostics, reporting, and more—without sacrificing valuable bench space.



Procedure - Solid Samples

Instrument calibration/drift correction.

Place the calibration/drift standard in a *** Nickel Basket, and if applicable, place the sample into the appropriate autoloader position.

Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen. After a short delay, the loading head slide-block will open.

Note: samples using automation should be placed in the appropriate autoloader position before starting the

analysis sequence. Once the sequence has started, the automatic analysis will start and end automatically.




测量范围: ON 低氧0.0-300ppm OH 低氧0.0-300ppm 高氧0.0-2% 高氧0.0-2% 低氮0.0―300ppm 低氢0.0-50ppm 高氮0.0-2% 高氢0.0-1000ppm 灵敏度: 氧0.01ppm;氮0.1ppm;氢0.01ppm。


该仪器配置有16位微处理器和两个**的分别检测高氧和低氧的 红外检测池。氮和氢通过双重范围的热导检测池测量。分析过程中可自动实现从 低范围到高范围的切换。样品在高功率脉冲炉的石墨坩埚中加热可达3000℃以上 高温,脉冲炉采用循环水冷却。该仪器具有灵敏度高、性能好、测量范围宽和分 析结果准确可靠等优点。ONH-2000氧氮氢分析仪是为快速、准确测定铜、钢、铸 铁、合金、钛、镍、钼、锆、陶瓷和其它无机材料中氧、氮、氢的含量而专门设计 制造的。 Cornerstone氧氮氧分析软件允许用户在单一分析界面中完成日常的所有工作,快速而且简单易用。




Cornerstone氧氮氢分析软件分成4个主要部分:分析、诊断、设定、仪器,界面可以快速导航和组织。工具条、滑动条和下拉式菜单简化了校正和数据处理的参数设定。分析软件同时包括实时的环境参数的监测,提供完整的系统图表模拟。高级诊断程序包括全数字化的在线操作手册、维护模拟演示、图片说明等提供快速指导。Cornerstone氧氮氢分析软件同时支持***的数据文档格式和可变的报告格式。 工具条、滑动条和下拉式菜单简化了校正和数据处理的参数设定。江苏LECO氧氮氢分析仪哪家好


Procedure – Powder/Chip Samples

Instrument calibration/drift correction.

Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen. After a short delay, the loading head slide-block will open.

Place the Nickel Capsule containing the sample into the open port at the top of the loading head.

Press the Analyze button on the instrument screen again, the loading head slide-block will close and the lower electrode will open.

Clean the upper and lower electrode either manually or remove the crucible and press the analyze button to clean with an automatic cleaner if applicable.


变频功率分析仪是用于各类变频调速系统的电压、电流、功率、谐波等电量测试、计量的新型测量设备,是变频技术高速发展的必然产物,也是 变频技术持续健康发展的重要基础仪器,更是变频设备能效评测不可或缺的工具。
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