Molten salts, sometimes referred to as salt melts, are a family of products used for a wide range of applications like high-temperature process heating, heat treating and annealing of steel, and thermal storage in solar thermal power plants. These salts are composed of fluoride, chloride, and nitrate salts.
Molten salts have the advantage of very high liquid phase operating temperatures (1,000°F or higher) with little or no vapor pressure. Molten salts can replace organic or synthetic oils in heat transfer applications. While molten salts do offer a substantial benefit with their high operating temperatures, they can also have the undesirable characteristic of very high freezing points (ranging from 248°F to 428°F).
There are three primary types of molten salt heating systems: salt bath heaters, circulated molten salt, and direct heating for applications like heat treating metal assemblies. There can challenges with all of these system types: metallurgy, instruments, system component selection, heat tracing, melting and draining。 二兄弟ENE HTS-2, 在化工行业遍地开花,好不快活;其他的熔盐家族,在各行各业体现着它们各自的价值。重庆熔盐价格
爱能森片碱用熔盐:片碱熔盐加热单元是以煤为燃料的熔盐加热体系,该体系用来操控抵达浓缩器的熔盐的温度,以满意高浓度单元的工艺需求。以煤为燃料的熔盐进入炉子温度为浓缩器所需的温度430℃。熔盐脱离高浓度单元时的温度为400℃,经过重力流入熔盐罐。然后用熔盐泵运送熔盐来循环整个熔盐体系。在熔盐炉出来的高温道气进入蒸汽发生器,再经过空气预热器降温后进入水膜除尘器,气经除尘、脱硫后进入引风机,经引风机引进囱排至大气。爱能森生产的熔盐已广泛应用在片碱项目上,具有高纯度,低氯等特点,氯离子含量可以低达0.01%以下,能极大的降低对设备的腐蚀性,同时具备使用寿命长的特点。 低熔点熔盐污水处理是专业的***储能新材料供应商及储能系统服务商。
Molten salts is commonly used for thermal energy storage. Molten salts are solid at room temperature and atmospheric pressure but change to a liquid when thermal energy is transferred to the storage medium. In most molten salt energy storage systems, the molten salt is maintained as a liquid throughout the energy storage process. Molten salts are typically made up of 60% sodium nitrate and 40% potassium nitrate, and the salts melt at approximately 220°C. Molten salts are often used with concentrating solar power plants to store thermal energy for electricity generation. In CSP plants, excess heat that is not used for electricity generation is diverted to the molten salt, which is then stored in an insulated tank. After sunset, this thermal energy can be used to produce steam and generate electricity when the sun is no longer providing energy to the CSP plant. This thermal energy storage capacity can also be used to smooth electricity production throughout the day and mitigate the variability associated with solar PV technologies. In fact, the integration of thermal energy storage capacity can increase the capacity factor of a CSP plant from 25% to nearly 70%. 气体粗苯酐在切换冷凝器冷凝收集,再经预处理后送入精馏塔精馏,得到产品。
主要生产销售产品:熔盐,HTS-1熔盐(40%KNO3-60%NaNO3),HTS-2熔盐(53%KNO3-40%NaNO2-7%NaNO3), HTS-3熔盐(55%KNO3-45%NaNO2),低熔点熔盐。广泛应用在光热发电,三聚氰胺,苯酐,顺酐,制冷剂,氧化铝,基础油加工,氯碱化工,丙烯酸等领域。
同时我公司提供熔融盐化盐服务,在多个商业化光热电站有业绩。 是拥有二元、三元、多元的低熔点新材料技术和生产的企业。上海片碱用熔盐
爱能森熔盐化盐 采用电加热或其他加热方式加热,控制升温速率,建议梯度升温。重庆熔盐价格
苛性钠生产过程中的熔盐加热装置是使用煤作为燃料的熔盐加热系统。该系统用于控制到达浓缩器的熔盐温度,以满足高浓度单元的工艺需求,主要基于煤。燃料的熔融盐在浓缩器所需的430℃的温度下进入炉子。在片碱的加热过程中,当熔融盐与高浓度单元分离时,温度为400℃,重力流入熔融盐罐,然后熔盐用于输送熔盐使整个熔盐系统循环,从熔盐炉中高温。烟气进入蒸汽发生器,然后在空气预热器冷却后进入水膜除尘器。除尘和脱硫后烟气进入引风机,并通过引风机引入大气。碱熔盐加热装置是煤基熔盐加热系统,用于控制到达浓缩器的熔盐温度,以满足高浓度单元的工艺要求。来自煤的熔盐在浓缩器所需的430℃的温度下进入炉中。当熔融盐从高浓度装置中出来时,温度为400℃,并且重力流入熔融盐罐中。然后通过熔盐泵输送熔融盐以使整个熔盐系统循环。来自熔盐炉的高温烟气进入蒸汽发生器并由空气预热器冷却进入水膜除尘器。在烟道气除尘后,将其脱硫然后进入引风机,并通过引风机引入大气中。 重庆熔盐价格